So here I am. At month 18 and flaring all over the place. The question if this is still TSW goes through my mind every day. It is very hard, I sleep like 4 hours a night. Most of the time after two hours of sleep the scratching begins and it takes hours. Hours of itch and pain! After that I can FINALLY sleep. I want to stay in bed a day and night, but I try to stay out of the bed from 12:00 pm till 0:00 am. If I stay longer in bed, I sleep until 18:00 pm and I feel like a total zombie. Waking up is horrible. My skin feels very wet and painful. I want to stay in bed!! But I know that it is not good to sat in bed for more than 12 hours. I hate the way the skin gets hot the moment you are going to sleep! My sleeping scedule: - 00:00 am - going to bed - 00:30 am - sleep for one or two hours - 02:30 am - waking up with itch, it is itch time! - 09:30 am - after itch, pain and scratching I can finally sleep - 12:00 pm - waking up MISERABLE Then I try to keep my eyes open for the next 12 hour...